Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Its a brand new day.

Before I start off with my rants, I'd like to pay homeage to Lebo Mathosa. Infact the title of this post is a title of a popular song by the ever dramatic miss Mathosa. Lebo brought hype & funk in music, she practically reinvented pop in the 90s & carved a niche for herself. We will remember her for that golden voice of hers, fearless take on life and her fashion hits and sometimes misses.

On the flipside its a Tuesday, hip hip another day to go be somethung huge out there.

For some exams aere looming and for others er...life goes on  right. GQ held their annual awards I'll previw them on friday, we applaud our public protector for being fearless...now we're just holidng thumbs waiting for our president to do something.

And even though its Spring, it's kinda chilly lately, dress warmly. happy studying, great week to you all, check yal later.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Look of The Week

This look is taken from the Fairlady October Edition with the lovely Yfm twins, @NtandoMasina & @HleloMasina. (You can check the mag for prices & stockists).

Housekeeping in Lo's Boots

As you know, or might have seen Aphiwe Honono MsDiva had been a contributor with us for a short interval, she is unfortunately no longer with us. she's still doing amazing things as always and if you'd like to correspond with her you can simply follower her on twitter. (Ill leave the details below).

Another lovely contributor we had was the ever so gorgeous Lady Cleo Thelma Maritz, she too has been taken by her new crush on AKA and her new work obligations. she too can be followed on twitter.

And now that, that is outta the way, I will be staying on board, hopefully we'll have other equally fanatastic contributors. ;)

Wishing you a happy Wednesday and a lil ps I love end note of a lovely Chicken Prego I picked up from the Pick n Pay newsletter.

Be Awesome, wear yo boots with pride.

Aphiwe Honono @IamMsDiva
Thelma Maritz @LadyCleopatraah
I, miss Lola @DineoLolaMonare ...tweet away xoxo


Prego rolls

4 PnP chicken breasts , sliced on the slant into medallions
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 tbsp chopped rosemary
125 ml no name dry white wine
80 ml peri-peri sauce
4 Portuguese rolls, halved

Wedges and tomato

1 packet frozen potato wedges, (1kg)
1 tbsp smoked paprika, or use regular paprika
2 glugs PnP olive oil
350 grams cocktail tomatoes, halved
  • Toss potato wedges on a baking tray with  a glug of oil.
  • Roast in a preheated oven according to packet instructions.
  • Toss tomatoes with a glug of oil in an ovenproof dish and roast for 10 minutes.
  • Cover a chopping board with clingwrap and place chicken on top.
  • Cover with another sheet of clingwrap.
  • Flatten using a meat mallet or rolling pin to a ½ cm thickness.
  • Heat a glug of oil in a pan and fry chicken in batches until golden,  remove and set aside.
  • Add garlic and rosemary to pan and sauté for a minute.
  • Deglaze pan with wine and boil to reduce slightly.
  • Add peri-peri sauce and shake pan to mix.
  • Return chicken to pan and allow to heat through.
  • Top rolls with chicken and roasted tomatoes and drizzle over remaining sauce.
  • Serve prego rolls with potato wedges
Dont forget to enjoy, and yes real ladies go for seconds. (Thank you Pick n Pay)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wow what a long hiatues (gosh for the life of me hope I spelt hiatues correctly)

Ive been gone....FOREVER! 

I deserve a good whipping, such is a crime. Ill justify my absence with my favourite line, ''I was finding myself''... Someone wake me up when I finally do.

hey hey what can i say...

Alot actually, as usual Im bringing all my life lessons on board, my obsessions and my latest crush, he's a keeper I tell ya. and Ill not to mention my dificulties adjusting to Academia after a two year break, wow! the shock of my life. and because this year is almost ending we wanna end it on a lekker note, right? right.

so to more regular posts, a happy summer and exams that we can and will actually pass.

oh and p.s I do not eat Oreos anymore, oh but thats a story for another post.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

I love music, I love the craft! (music like milkshakes)

Ive just been thinking alot lately, wow music plays such a significant role in my life it is not even funny. ever felt like 'yeah thats my song right there! , thats the universe telling me something, its a sign...' hahaha the universe has conveyed so many messages to me in the form of songs.

im gonna give you my all time top five favourite songs (i really loved the lyrics, they spoke to me), and another 15 songs you should listen to, coz they're just blerrie gooooooooooood!

so here we go:

  • Snowpatrol - Chasing Cars (if i ever get married i will walk down the aisle to this song)
  • Snowpatrol ft Martha Wainwright - Set the fire to the Third Bar
  • Stacy Ferguson 'fergie' - Big girls dont cry
  • Madonna - Dont cry for me Argentina
  • Caiphus Semenya - Matswale (because I learnt a great deal of sotho dialect and lifes' lessons from this song, its one of those euphoric songs)
My chemical romance - i dont love you
britney spears - everytime
brenda fassie - life is going on
george michael - cant make you love me
john lennon - working class hero
john lennon - imagine
jay z - song cry
katy perry - teenage dream
michael jackson - human nature
michael buble - crazy love
tsakane mhinga 'tk' - i find it so strange
jlo - be alright
lionell ritchie - ballerina girl
westlife - uptown girl
snowpatrol - set the fire to the third bar
coldplay - fix you

and does anyone rememeber a song by desert chllyd (thembi old presenter of simunye) 'seven days' ? wow now that was a really amazing song... : "you say you love me, love wouldnt do me this way"

and then the youssou n'dour  ft. neneh cherry song, seconds, seven seconds away... "and when a child is born into this world, it has no concept of the tone the skin its living in, its not a second, seven seconds away, just as long as i stay ill be waiting, seconds..."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Aphiwe's Corner

Here's the goodstuff ladies!

Being a woman has to be one of the hardest things in the world! If you are not trying to find "Mr Right", you have to look good while trying to snag him! Don't get me started on the social scene.
So I've compiled a list of not to do's ladies! Yes you should fake it till you make it but class and believe it or cot common sense can get you a long way!
. If its shiny and cheap but says GUCCI it probably isn't!
.heavy make up everyday jus screams "
I'm insecure"
.know what suits you and what doesn't.
.combining cheaper clothing [I.e: Mr price] and more pricey [urban] is a WONDER you could even get away with a rip off handbag.

Get these right ladies and your well on your way of being a FAB DIVA.

Ms Diva©

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

hehe Aphiwe's treat, now this is the real thing, these are ALDOs
rate or slate...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Another April Love!

I have decided to add an extra li'l something to Lola's list of loveables for April: his name is eROC, sweeties and I'm inlove!!!!! ♥♥♥

eROC IS THE SOUND OF THE FUTURE!: eROC- LivinGood Tonight | 3.7.11 (LivinGood Monday...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wow I heart these...Just thought I'd share

So Im busy trying to type my six page assignment, gosh its so hard given the distractions here (and no, pretty boys are definately not one of them) and I just so happened to bump into this. isnt it so cool? i mean MR PRICE has got to be one of the coolest stores of our time.

missmilliworld: Whyy are you so cool?

missmilliworld: Whyy are you so cool?: "There's something about the sombre. I've always liked the Olsen Twins and their morning-after sense of style. They re..."

Aphiwe's Corner (Miss Lira... the girl who once got boo'd off stage, is big news today)

A review on Miss Lira and her latest offering.

Before I start this article I would like to point out that I was not a Lira fan @ the beginning of her career. infact I remember an occasion at a kempton park gig I did with KB motsilanyane, where she was an opening act and she was boo'd off stage! I remember feelin so sorry for her and all I kept thinking was if it was meant to be it shall be.

Fast forward to six yrs later On February 1st,and she is now the leading entertainer on the South African music scene,Lira released her much anticipated fourth studio album, entitled "Return to Love".
NOW a big Lira fan, I was biting my fingernails off with anticipation and anxiety; I don't know how many times I wished that she surpasses her last award-winning effort, "Soul In Mind" in terms of flavor, musicality and a great listen. I knew she wouldn't want the sound to be the same as her past work, I knew that she would want the feel of this new album to be different from her past albums. I expected that she would take me on a journey of love, drawing on her experiences of being newly-married, and transport me with her voice, coupled with the excellent band  to a love high like I have never experienced before.

So,I gave the CD a listen all the while, my mind was going haywire trying to imagine the sounds, the lyrics, the melodies. I listened to the CD from  beginning to end, in one sitting. I paid particular attention to each of the 11 tracks, trying to get each track, not wanting to be lost in translation. I did not utter a word until the last track ended. When it was done, I just sat there, marveling at the power I knew this woman possessed. She proved it, my wishes had come true, I was so happy, I could have done a happy dance right there.

For this album, Lira introduces a very organic sound to her music. It is not fleeting, nor is it trying to be something profound. The band serves as a companion to her voice rather than an accompaniment, it never drowns her out. The lyrics are sharp, direct, the words we each wish to speak to our lovers. I can sum up the direction of this album and the message it delivers by saying it encourages us to live the best lives we can, to love ourselves and others as best we can, to care for our country and nature as best we can. Almost all the tracks on this album, I now regard as favorites. Look out for the love tunes "Phakade" and "With my eyes", classic Lira ballads. And in the vein of "Makubenjalo", are "Mali" and "Abba", irresistibly lovable songs with great lyrics. "When I Dance", "U and I" and "Get into action" are sure going to be firm favorites in the party scene, for their cheerful upbeat tempo. Also, Lira goes reggae with "Valley of Darkness", a song that has stuck in my head a lot over the past few days.

My only gripe with this album is that Lira didn't include a song entitled "Return to Love", I just think, based on the title, it would have made for an awesome lovemaking slow jam.

This is an excellent product from Lira, as we have come to expect only this caliber from our "Princess of Afro-Neo-Soul". This album is a definitive move by Lira to reaffirm herself as what she started out her career wanting to be: an R&B Soul artist. The exclusive premier of "Phakade" was aired on Channel O and that too was an amazing piece of work!

I'm proud of the girl who got Boo'd off stage and went back to the drawing board to come up with something fresh new and evidently works wonders!


MsDiva©Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let's talk BALANCE!

Some things in life get perfected purely by balance, like the oh so fab JUMPSUIT!

You get them in flashy floral-prints and you get them in big, bold colours that makes the world take a second look. Then you also get them in tamed-down neutrals which is the epitome of class and sexiness.

But, The Jumpsuit comes with a twist: it needs to be balanced. The Jumpsuit tends to be a little deceiptful by making one look frumpy and slightly bigger than one truly are.

Heels, on the other hand, make one walk upstraight, look slimmer and it emphisizes all the right curves in all the right places. They make you stand tall like a queen. Like Cleopatra.

So, in order for one not to look like a clown in a circus suit when wearing The Jumpsuit, take that step which concludes to balancing it. And what better way of doing just that than by simply adding a pair of smashing Heels!

It's simple, like make-up. BALANCE!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Neo was kind enough to cup me a coffee :)

Attempt at writing a publish worthy piece

Well this has been quite a lengthy hiatus, I think I neglected the fact that varsity is so time consuming, you hardly have time to do anything, everything is so hectic, eating on the run is a norm and drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee while attempting to study has become the order of the day(or night). And even though my schedule has been occupied as of late, I wouldnt trade my varsity life in for anything. It has honestly been part of the best days of my life, countless events I could relate, but I really wouldnt finish this piece if I did.

I mean I wouldnt get to meet the exciting people I have met, the fashion disasters I witness every single day (seriously stlye is an endangered species)my good stylish uber cool friend Neo will confirm this with a roll of her eyes, the white girl named Thandi, yes Thandi, the envirnomentalist lecturer who onced told me in a packed lecture hall that law school isnt meant for sissies, yes....that.

So apart from my 'busy-ness' and writers block...(perhaps falling in love again would pump up my creative juices) we have good things to look foward to, Aphiwes article on Aphiwes corner.
My April list, pics I adore update, a few recipes and a little suprise yes...

And im actually looking foward to this month, Aphiwe is so passionate about this creative wrting business she just inspires me, and We'll definately be hearing more from Miss Diva, but until we meet again...

This is my attempt at a piece worth publishing, haha
In oreos, the nice anklet boots I saw at woolies and unhealthy amounts of coffee.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Aphiwe's Corner( her rants, raves, likes, dislikes and more commentary that we just love)

Thinking back, I have always been influenced by music, my aunt was an aspiring musician and I remember listening to her Demo tape and thinking "I could do that" maybe even better!
My Journey with Music started with me using it as my escape from this sometimes cruel and harsh world, growing up with an abusive father took its toll and I would listen to music and if I played my favorite song loud enough and shut my eyes tight enough all the hurt and pain would subside.
Ironically it was my father who initially recommended I start singing in the school choir instead of making a ruckus in his house.( I should probably thank him for that). so at 13 I was in the school choir by 16 I was singing lead in the church choir and by 18 I was a backing vocalist for one of South Africa's most recognized  singers, Ms KB Motsilanyane.
Music touches us all in different ways, its a way of life. To me, Music is my refuge I could crawl into the spaces between the notes & curl my back to the loneliness.

Ms diva©

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Raybans




Grumpy Grungies

Nothing makes me more grumpy, on a particularly cold day, where I AM NOT IN THE BEST OF MOODS, like people who dress up like they're gonna take their garbage out.

No! Winter is not an excuse for being tattered and raggedy, infact we should appreciate winter, because we can get away with pigging out on food, pilling on the pounds(dont roll your eyes, you know you have extra kilos too) and wrapping them up in PRETTY non grungy looking clothing. now unless you're alexa chung, grunge is not cool. So please guys and girls lets dress up like we actually CARE.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

This Month I am...

CRUSHING ON: someone
Most influential person this month: charlie sheen(yes, ...him!)
Missing: julius malema (where are you dude?)
Buying: vitamin water, elle mag
Admiring:  poppy nsthongwana
Pigging out on: oreos
Reading: lots of texts on roman law
Loving: african youth
Critquing: The fashion crimes that WITS girls commit.

Things I learnt from my Ex-Boyfriends.

Things I learnt from my Ex-Boyfriends.

by Lola Mashiloane Dineo on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 3:25pm
I really wish that one would've taught me how to whistle, but then again Ive learnt better, like:

For all intents and purposes put your phone on silent when you go to bed, always 'report' where you will be when, and why. Such saves alot of explanations.

The art of sincerity, the philosophy of love. The idea of being content all by yourself.

How not to lie, when to lie. The practical stuff you know, the 'date-a-mentals'.

How to eat a starter, a main course and dessert and still make room for a milkshake, shame... That was really cute.

And how to appreciate my beauty, you know not all my ex's were monsters, and for those that were im slowly finding a way past my resentment.

And some of them taught me how to love again, one taught me a different language out of the s.a.d.c, alongst with that he taught me tolerance. #oh and he also taught me how to eat oreos. :)

Then ofcourse one taught me a few songs, guycode, how to buy a good fragrance, that came in handy thanks.

Yeah well, Im tryna recover from my afternoon slump and just as chew the last bits of whats left of this bone I remember how one taught me how to laugh, to smile, to cry, to cry alot, to cry hard and to laugh till I cry.

*getting up from bed, sitting up straight, pouting my lips with crusts of bread*

...most importantly my ex-boyfriends taught me how to love.

Well the 'good' ones, and for all intents and purposes this is a note to show my appreciation.

Because of you, Im not afraid to LOVE AGAIN.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pictures I adore...

Life is beautiful

We're too caught up in the ratrace, that often we lose ourselves in it. sometimes you need to live for the moment, yes forget the exams, the boyfriend stress, your pimple breakout, your awful badhairday and that crush who won't crush on you back.

Relax breathe, smell the air(even it's congested), buy icecream you'll feel good instantly, just live man, live!

You are young once, and once you're old and wrinkly and saggy, you'll never get it back.

Helados.jpgnom nom...

My newest addition to the LOLA family, isnt she a beauty?

Miss Sixty Rock Muse Miss Sixty for women

Retails at Clicks and major stuttafords stores, 30ml will set you book R200.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Upon turning twenty alot of things have run through my mind, like how life is gonna be like in the coming years, and how life has been in the past years.

being 19 taught me alot, i dont think ive cried as much in the past years, gosh i had mastered the art of crying. crying for anything silly and the heavy stuff like breakups and and and lots...

i think i found myself at 19, wasnt a easy year, but ive got great memories, i made the best of friends and ate way too much oreo mcflurries, my bond with my mom grew and so did my love for reading and passion for fashion, sorry for sounding cheesy.

im 3days shy of being 20 and i intend on having a blast of my last days, lol i intend to drink cheap wine and lots of other crazy things, but in essence i want to take all the good that ive learnt and carry it to my 20th year.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Indulge yourself in a yummy mango smoothie.

Prep Time: 10 min
Total Time: 10 min
Makes: 4 servings, 1 cup each

3/4 cup fat-free milk
1 pt. (2 cups) frozen vanilla nonfat yogurt, slightly softened
1 medium mango, peeled, coarsely chopped
16 Reduced Fat NILLA Wafers, coarsely broken
PLACE milk, yogurt and mango in blender container; cover. Blend 1 min. or until smooth.
ADD wafers; cover. Blend just until wafers are finely chopped, using pulsing action. (Shake will not be smooth.)
POUR evenly into 4 tall glasses. Serve immediately.


Are Oreos' replacing crushes?

So this year we're crushing on oreos, lol Im told crushes are last seasons and girls would rather eat oreos...

emmm err not so sure that I agree.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Windy Romance.

Today I woke up and I went through five outfits before finding the 'right' one, once my day actually started I stopped and I was in admiration of the beauty of Autumn.

The perfect time to fall in love is Autumn, 'Autumn leaves, change colour, change colour'

In red leaves, yellow leaves, burgundy leaves with golden hues I wish yal' a happy Thursday.


Isnt this just beautiful? It is the epitome of romance, all I need now is a knight in pretty armour to stroll with.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Coffee shops are one of the most stylish places ever, they have a rich aroma, quirky decor and very yummy treats there, and im not only talking about the confectionaries...


Vanilla at Rosebank is one of those places, cheers happy week to all.

In cupcakes and coffee.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

personal style can be purchased!

happiness can be bought, bo derek said if you know where to shop you're sorted. its not so much a matter of brands, but a matter of actually investing in your wardrobe.

your clothes should speak volumes about you, really now a green scarf says alot, trust me i know.

Friday, February 11, 2011

goodbye pretoria, waving goodbye to scurled boys.

what i really wont miss about jacaranda city, is those boys that don scurls wih way too much styling gell. *Cringe*