Thursday, March 17, 2011


Upon turning twenty alot of things have run through my mind, like how life is gonna be like in the coming years, and how life has been in the past years.

being 19 taught me alot, i dont think ive cried as much in the past years, gosh i had mastered the art of crying. crying for anything silly and the heavy stuff like breakups and and and lots...

i think i found myself at 19, wasnt a easy year, but ive got great memories, i made the best of friends and ate way too much oreo mcflurries, my bond with my mom grew and so did my love for reading and passion for fashion, sorry for sounding cheesy.

im 3days shy of being 20 and i intend on having a blast of my last days, lol i intend to drink cheap wine and lots of other crazy things, but in essence i want to take all the good that ive learnt and carry it to my 20th year.


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