Thursday, April 7, 2011

Attempt at writing a publish worthy piece

Well this has been quite a lengthy hiatus, I think I neglected the fact that varsity is so time consuming, you hardly have time to do anything, everything is so hectic, eating on the run is a norm and drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee while attempting to study has become the order of the day(or night). And even though my schedule has been occupied as of late, I wouldnt trade my varsity life in for anything. It has honestly been part of the best days of my life, countless events I could relate, but I really wouldnt finish this piece if I did.

I mean I wouldnt get to meet the exciting people I have met, the fashion disasters I witness every single day (seriously stlye is an endangered species)my good stylish uber cool friend Neo will confirm this with a roll of her eyes, the white girl named Thandi, yes Thandi, the envirnomentalist lecturer who onced told me in a packed lecture hall that law school isnt meant for sissies, yes....that.

So apart from my 'busy-ness' and writers block...(perhaps falling in love again would pump up my creative juices) we have good things to look foward to, Aphiwes article on Aphiwes corner.
My April list, pics I adore update, a few recipes and a little suprise yes...

And im actually looking foward to this month, Aphiwe is so passionate about this creative wrting business she just inspires me, and We'll definately be hearing more from Miss Diva, but until we meet again...

This is my attempt at a piece worth publishing, haha
In oreos, the nice anklet boots I saw at woolies and unhealthy amounts of coffee.

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