Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wow what a long hiatues (gosh for the life of me hope I spelt hiatues correctly)

Ive been gone....FOREVER! 

I deserve a good whipping, such is a crime. Ill justify my absence with my favourite line, ''I was finding myself''... Someone wake me up when I finally do.

hey hey what can i say...

Alot actually, as usual Im bringing all my life lessons on board, my obsessions and my latest crush, he's a keeper I tell ya. and Ill not to mention my dificulties adjusting to Academia after a two year break, wow! the shock of my life. and because this year is almost ending we wanna end it on a lekker note, right? right.

so to more regular posts, a happy summer and exams that we can and will actually pass.

oh and p.s I do not eat Oreos anymore, oh but thats a story for another post.


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