Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let's talk BALANCE!

Some things in life get perfected purely by balance, like the oh so fab JUMPSUIT!

You get them in flashy floral-prints and you get them in big, bold colours that makes the world take a second look. Then you also get them in tamed-down neutrals which is the epitome of class and sexiness.

But, The Jumpsuit comes with a twist: it needs to be balanced. The Jumpsuit tends to be a little deceiptful by making one look frumpy and slightly bigger than one truly are.

Heels, on the other hand, make one walk upstraight, look slimmer and it emphisizes all the right curves in all the right places. They make you stand tall like a queen. Like Cleopatra.

So, in order for one not to look like a clown in a circus suit when wearing The Jumpsuit, take that step which concludes to balancing it. And what better way of doing just that than by simply adding a pair of smashing Heels!

It's simple, like make-up. BALANCE!

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