Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You are so Gorgeous, why are you so Gorgeous!!!!


Dont throw stones, if u dont live in Orania.

the other day i fell victim to an over enthusiatic form of rage, propogated by my pride & brought about by a racial slur from an overweight slightly balding afrikaaner male.

at standard bank, actually just to clear things, (gosh im typing on a keyboard, its taking forever im losing my patience here!) anyway,just to clear things up. *why am i repeating myself*...

i have no particular problem with overweight, slightly balding middle aged white men, no not at all. but if you're gonna swear at me dude, up yours, up yours 39 times & i swear im not even flinching my eyes when  i say this.

the thing is, we black people like being the 'bigger, better people' sorry, not this year, not for me! an eye for an eye, & if you eye me back, ill punch your significant other who attempted to grab my arm & push me outta the line.

wooooooosh!!! what a release, okay i feel much better now :)

on a serious note, if you wanna be racist bro, realocate to Orania bra!

btw, this happend yesterday, he felt the need to swear in afrikaans, I can hear you, & up yours coz i wont take it!
